
Showing posts from July, 2019


Author: Dr. Uma Kumar Professor & Head Department of Rheumatology AIIMS, New Delhi High Heels Body weight is distributed equally throughout the foot when spine & hips are in normal alignment. High heels take hips & spine out of alignment by pushing the low back foreword. Upper part of body must lean back to maintain the balance of the body. In the process, body weight shifts forward resulting in abnormal weight distribution on foot. Regularly wearing high heels can lead to pain in calf, foot, knee & back. Regular use in long-term can lead to: - 1.  Calf muscle shortening  2.  Tendons thickening  3.  Slippage of one vertebrae over other resulting in low back pain & normal of opening through which nerves exit Remember  Heels height determine the load of body weight put on foot. 3"heel - 76% of body weight 2"heel - 57% of body weight 1"heel - 22% of body weight ...