Arthritis : Facts & Myths Part-I

What is Arthritis?
Arthritis is a condition which affects joints causing pain, swelling, redness & restricted movements. There can be more than 100 types of arthritis.

What is Rheumatism ?
Rheumatism is a term used by lay people for aches, pains and stiffness in body (muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, tendons etc.).

Who are at risk of arthritis ?
Certain factors are associated with increased risk of arthritis like female gender, obesity, repeated injuries to the joints, genetic factors, smoking, and infections.

Arthritis occurs only in elderly people.
Myth: Arthritis can occur in any age group starting from newborn to old (age is no bar). But certain arthritides (plural of arthritis) are more common in particular age group e.g.osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) is more prevalent in old people while ankylosing spondylitis affects young males. Common arthritides in children are juvenile idiopathic arthritis, rheumatic fever etc but
unfortunately, the diagnosis is often delayed because of lack of awareness.

Arthritis is more common in women.
Fact: Autoimmune arthritis is more common in women of reproductive age group than men. Rheumatoid arthritis is 3 times more common in women.

Arthritis is only limited to the joints.
Myth: Arthritis is just a manifestation of various rheumatological conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, sjogren's syndrome, vasculitis etc. Just like fever which is a manifestation of various diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid fever, malaria, dengue etc. In the arthritis other organs of the body (kidneys, lung, eyes, heart etc.) may be affected during the course of the disease.

Arthritis patients have no choice but to live with deformities.
Myth: Early diagnosis and proper timely treatment results in complete resolution of symptoms without deformities in most of the patients.

Pain in joints is not always  due to a arthritis.
Fact: Pain in joints can occur because of some correctable common causes like obesity (joints are strained because of increased body weight), unaccustomed exercises, bad posturing, repetitive trauma to the joint, weak bones (osteoporosis), vitamin D deficiency etc.

Whom to consult when having arthrits?
If you are suffering from arthritis, you should consult a Rheumatologist. If rheumatologists are not available then consult a physician.

to be continued..........

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