
Showing posts from 2019


Author: Dr. Uma Kumar Professor & Head Department of Rheumatology AIIMS, New Delhi High Heels Body weight is distributed equally throughout the foot when spine & hips are in normal alignment. High heels take hips & spine out of alignment by pushing the low back foreword. Upper part of body must lean back to maintain the balance of the body. In the process, body weight shifts forward resulting in abnormal weight distribution on foot. Regularly wearing high heels can lead to pain in calf, foot, knee & back. Regular use in long-term can lead to: - 1.  Calf muscle shortening  2.  Tendons thickening  3.  Slippage of one vertebrae over other resulting in low back pain & normal of opening through which nerves exit Remember  Heels height determine the load of body weight put on foot. 3"heel - 76% of body weight 2"heel - 57% of body weight 1"heel - 22% of body weight ...

YOGA “to yolk” or connect 'CONNECT' with nature, humanity & spirituality

Author: Dr. Uma Kumar Professor & Head Departmentn of Rheumatology AIIMS, New Delhi YOGA “to yolk” or connect 'CONNECT' with nature, humanity & spirituality ‘Yoga’   is a way to achieve harmony between the heart & the soul. But emphasis is given only on physical practice of yoga called “hatha” in current times. Yoga augments recovery of patients with arthritis too. 1.  Poses with synchronous deep breathing followed by slow movement sequence increase blood flow to the muscles improving tissue oxygenation. 2. Staying in poses for sometime builds muscles strength by keeping the muscle in isometric contraction. 3. Standing poses strengthen balancing capability of muscles and prevent falls. 4.Joint movement through full range improves flexibility of joints. Yoga reduces inflammation by increasing anti inflammatory cytokine genes. Its multifaceted dimensions engage people into health promoting behavior, therefore ...

Tobacco and Autoimmune Diseases

Author: Dr. Uma Kumar Professor & Head Departmentn of Rheumatology AIIMS, New Delhi SAY NO TO TOBACCO Smoking is injurious to various organ systems of human body. Inhaled smoke not only causes inflammation in the lungs but also in rest of the body.  Evidence suggests that smoking is an independent risk factor for onset of multiple autoimmune rheumatic diseases like Rheumatiod Arthritis, Lupus (SLE). It also results in increased number of relapses  in RA despite patients being on regular treatment. Smoking modulate the immune system through many ways including induction of inflammatory response, alteration of cytokine balance, DNA damage and cell death. Smoking reduces the efficacy of antirheumatic drugs in patients. The risk appears elevated even in past smokers until 20 years after cessation.

ल्यूपस सम्बन्धी उपयोगी जानकारियाँ

लेखक: डॉ उमा कुमार प्रोफेसर और प्रमुख रुमेटोलॉजी विभाग एम्स, नई दिल्ली -110029       ल्यूपस (SLE)  सम्बन्धी उपयोगी जानकारियाँ यह एक ऑटोइम्म्युन बीमारी है । यह ना तो छूने से फैलती है और न ही अनुवांशिक है । यह किसी भी उम्र मे हो सकती है और महिलाओं में ज्यादा पाई जाती है । इससे शरीर का कोई भी अंग प्रभावित हो सकता है । बुखार, मुंह के छाले, त्वचा पर चकत्ते, जोड़ों में दर्द, बाल झड़ना, धूप से त्वचा की संवेदनशीलता इसके प्रमुख लक्षण है । दवाओं से इसको नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है ।       मरीज ऐसा न करें धूप से बचें । धूम्रपान न करें । डॉक्टर के निर्देश के बिना दवाई न लें ।

Few myths about rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-Part-II

Let us have a look at a few myths about rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-Part-II Myth : Birth control pills can make symptoms of RA worse. Reality : Birth control pills do NOT worsen the symptoms of RA but they may modify the disease severity. Myth: Women with RA have more trouble in conceiving. Fact : RA does not decrease the fertility. Myth : Women on oral contraceptive pills cannot take RA medications. Reality : Yes, patient can continue both simultaneously. Myth: RA mostly affects the elderly women. Reality : No, RA is the disease of young women. Incidence of RA increases from 25 to 55 years of age, after which it plateaus until the age 75 and then decreases. Myth: RA is hereditary i.e. diseases is passed from parents to children. Reality: RA  is not hereditary.   Myth : RA cannot be prevented. Reality : There are a few potentially modifiable risk factors, which can be altered resulting in reduced incidence of RA l...

Few myths about rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-Part-I

Let us have a look at a few myths about rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-Part-I Myth:  RA is no different from osteoarthritis in women. Reality: RA and osteoarthritis are two entirely different diseases. RA is an autoimmune inflammatory arthritis affecting women of reproductive age group while osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory degenerative joint disease usually occurring after 40 years of age. They differ in epidemiology, causes, mechanism, clinical presentation, management and course of disease. Myth:  Women with RA shouldn’t exercise, as it can be dangerous to the inflamed joints. Reality: Only aggressive, intense and high impact exercises to be avoided during active joint disease i.e. when joints are inflamed. Exercise is an important part of management of RA. Myth: Women with RA do not face the risk of any other disease. Reality: RA patients are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, angina, arrhythmia), hypertension, stroke, ...

Relevant Information on Rheumatoid Arthritis

Today, enjoy reading relevant information on rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common chronic inflammatory arthritis involving small joints of hands and feet predominantly but large also get involved. It affects 0.5- 1% of general population worldwide. Women are affected more commonly than men  (female to male ratio varies from 3:1 to 9:1). In general, autoimmune diseases are more commonly seen in women. This higher prevalence is partly attributed to the X chromosome, which has many genes relating to immune system. Women have two X chromosomes, which bless them with robust immune system that provides defense against infections, but make them vulnerable for  autoimmune diseases like RA. Also, female sex hormones (oestrogen) play a role in development of autoimmune diseases, which is manifested by the fact that RA starts shortly after puberty, and often changes profile during pregnancy. However, exact cause of RA is still not known. Multiple fa...

आपके जोड़ो की देखभाल

पढ़ते वक्त जोड़ों की देखभाल कुर्सी  से    उठने  के  लिए अपनी    कलाइयों या अंगुलियों के जोड़ों का  इस्तेमाल   करने   से  बचें   । इन तरीकों का इस्तेमाल न करे। ये जोड़ों के दर्द का कारण बनते है। इससे अंगुलियों पर   अत्यधिक दबाव प ड़ जाता है। कुर्सी से उठने के लिए अपनी   बाहों का इस्तेमाल करें , यह वजन को अधिक संतुलित रखता है। किताब पढ़ते समय अपने चेहरे को अपनी कोहनियों और अंगुलियों के जोड़ों पर टिकाने से बचें   । किताब को अधिक कस कर पक ड़ ने से बचें ,   इससे कलाई मे दबाव प ड़ सकता है । बुक रेस्ट का इस्तेमाल   करें , यह आपकी कोहनियों, अंगुलियों और गर्दन   पर दबाव से बचाता है   । अगला भाग जल्द ही प्रकाशित किया जाएगा। कृपया शेयर करें और अपनी बहुमूल्य टिप्पणियाँ दें

Poses & Postures

MUSCULO-SKELETAL HEALTH FOR ALL PART-III 1. Posture while lifting • Use the proper technique when moving boxes, to reduce the risk of injury and soreness. • Keep the load close to the waist. • Adopt a stable position. • Ensure a good hold on the load. • Don’t bend your back when lifting. • Don’t twist when you lift. • Good working height helps the operator to work with relaxed shoulder and back in upright position. 2. Correct way to carry bag pack Bag pack maximum weight should not be more than 20% of the body weight. • Always wear both shoulder straps rather than slinging your backpack with one strap on one shoulder. • Adjust the shoulder straps so that backpack is high on your back and the shoulder straps are comfortable on your shoulders. • Your backpack should not sway from side to side as you walk. Next part will be published  soon . Please share and...

Poses & Postures

MUSCULO-SKELETAL HEALTH FOR ALL Part-II 1.Posture while sitting       A. Posture while studying        B. Proper laptop position The Chair should be comfortable and smaller than table. A comfortable supportive chair will take pressure away form the lower back. Table height should maintain the wrists in a neutral position. Knees equal to, or slightly lower than your hips. Study in well lit  areas to avoid eye strain. Your feet should be flat on floor. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed. 2. Postures in daily routines A. Posture while standing When standing, keep your shoulders and back aligned. Slightly bend your knees to ease. Wear shoes that offer good support. B. Posture while walking. When walking, keep your chin parallel to the ground and hit ground with your heel first, then roll onto the toes. Don't look down at your feet and arch your back. 3.Posture whi...

Poses & Postures

Musculo-Skeletal Health For All 1.Few fun facts about your musculoskeletal system (i). It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. (ii).We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening. (iii). Babies are born with 300 bones, but adults have 206 bones. (iv).  It takes 200 muscles to take one step. (v). The Strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. 2.How to avoid musculoskeletal pain? (i). Maintain correct posture while standing, walking, studying and lifting heavy objects. (ii). Healthy Eating is healthy living. (iii). Avoid alcohol & smoking. 3.Benefits of good posture. (i). It helps in reducing stress. (ii). It optimizes breathing, gives energy boost and creates confidence. (iii). Prevents fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently. (iv). Prevents backache and muscular pain. (v). Contributes to a good appearance.  ...

Arthritis : Facts & Myths Part 4

Arthritis : Facts & Myths Part 4 What is ESR and CRP? ESR and CRP are blood tests to monitor inflammation in the body. They do not correspond to the extent and severity of arthritis. ESR and CRP  may be normal despite active arthritis and vice-versa. Many other conditions influence ESR, therefore let your doctor interpret your test results. Does positive rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) in blood means having arthritis? No, approximately 5% normal healthy people can have positive RF and ANA without having actual disease. Test results are always interpreted in the context of symptoms of the patient. What is the place of steroids in the management of arthritis? All arthritis patients do not require steroids. Only few types of arthritis require steroids. They should be used judicious under medical supervision. Can arthritis be prevented? Not all types of arthritis test can be prevented but depending on the forms of arthritis, there ar...