Few myths about rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-Part-II

Let us have a look at a few myths about rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-Part-II

Myth: Birth control pills can make symptoms of RA worse.
Reality: Birth control pills do NOT worsen the symptoms of RA but they may modify the disease severity.
Myth: Women with RA have more trouble in conceiving.
Fact: RA does not decrease the fertility.
Myth: Women on oral contraceptive pills cannot take RA medications.
Reality: Yes, patient can continue both simultaneously.
Myth: RA mostly affects the elderly women.
Reality: No, RA is the disease of young women. Incidence of RA increases from 25 to 55 years of age, after which it plateaus until the age 75 and then decreases.
Myth: RA is hereditary i.e. diseases is passed from parents to children.
Reality: RA  is not hereditary.  
Myth: RA cannot be prevented.
Reality: There are a few potentially modifiable risk factors, which can be altered resulting in reduced incidence of RA like stopping smoking, reduction of extra weight, healthy eating habits (avoid foods high in sugar salt and fat) better air quality and regular exercise.

Next part will be published  soon .
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